Episode 6

Published on:

2nd Nov 2023

Never the Twain - Why Do We Seek God in Different Ways?

In this week's podcast I talk about the difference between having knowledge about God versus knowing God. Why do so many people run away from having a relationship with their Creator? Are they scared of being judged, or angry about the suffering they have endured? I discuss how different personality types seek to know God and also delve into the reality of heaven and hell.

Bible reference:

Ephesians 2:9 (Whole fullness of Deity), Psalm 139 (You have searched me), Psalm 18:25-26 (Devouring Fire), Revelation 20:14 (Lake of Fire), Hebrews 1:1-3 (Jesus), John 1:1-4 (Jesus, The Word), John 14:6 (I Am the Way), Ecclesiastes 3:11 (Eternity), Isaiah 65:17-25 (New Heavens/New Earth), Psalm 42:7 (Deep calls to Deep)

Other Books:

Beyond the Cosmos: The Trans-dimensionality of God - Hugh Ross

The Great Divorce - C.S Lewis

Other external videos and links are listed below:

Show artwork for Abide In Me

About the Podcast

Abide In Me
The A.I.M of this podcast is to teach people about who God is and how we can have a relationship with Him.
The A.I.M of this podcast is to help people form an intimate relationship with God and to answer the big life questions:
- What was our origin?
- Where can we find meaning and purpose?
- How do we discern between good and evil, fact and fiction?
- What is our ultimate destination?

Many today are seeking these answers but not finding them. This is often because they are looking in the wrong places. All the guidance, wisdom, provision, love, forgiveness, hope and peace we seek can be found when we abide in our Creator. Before we can abide in Him, we need to know Him and also what He expects from us.

"Abide in Me" was the message Jesus gave to His disciples before He left them. He knew that they would need to be close to Him, by abiding in His Word, if they were to be transformed and in turn transform the world. (John 15)

I hope these podcasts open you up to learning about who Jesus was, what he taught and why we should abide in him.

All the Bible verses I reference each week are listed in the podcast notes to help you discover the beauty and wisdom of the scriptures.

Please listen, share and subscribe.

You can view additional content on our You Tube channel:
Abide In Me (A.I.M) Radio - Linked in the podcast notes