Episode 14

Published on:

22nd Jun 2024

Jesus: Religion or Reality?

In this week's episode I talk about the difference between "Jesus: the religion" and "Jesus: the reality". After two thousand years of church history, I ask if we have fallen into the trap that the apostle Paul warned us against by being embroiled in "vain discussions" that lead us away from our faith?

Jesus called his followers to simply believe in him. He said that his sheep hear his voice, but if we are distracted by too many other voices we may not be able to hear him call. I talk about some of the visceral experiences I have had with Christ over the past few years that lead me know the reality of his existence. These experiences led me to have more faith in him as a person, who is available to all who would call on him, even today.

Bible references:

Warnings Against Vain Discussions, Quarrels Over Words & Irreverent Babble (1 Timothy 1:6, 6:4, 6:20); Jesus Confronts the Pharisees (Matthew 15:1-20, 22:23-33, 23:1-36); False Apostles ( 2 Corinthians 11 & Galatians 1:6-10, 2 Peter 2:1-22) World in Power of Evil One (1 John 5:19); Known By Fruits (Matthew 7:15-20); Foolish Shame Wise ( 1 Corinthians 1:27); Listen & Obey (1 Samuel 15:22); Keep Mouth Shut (Proverbs 21:23, 10:19) Bridle Your Tongue (James 1:26); Tongue Stuck to Roof of Mouth (Ezekiel 3:26) I Will Give You Rest (Matthew 11:28) Sleep & Dwell in Safety (Psalm 4:8); He Gives to His Beloved Sleep (Psalm 127:2); Returning & Rest You Shall Be Saved (Isaiah 30:15); Hear Word of God & Do it (Luke 11:28); Fear of the Lord (Proverbs 9:10, Psalm 33:8, Job 4:6); I Know Only Christ (1 Corinthians 2:1-2); Cross Folly to Gentiles (1 Corinthians 1:23); Boast in Knowing Lord (Jeremiah 9:23); They Refused to Know Me (Jeremiah 9:6); Here I Am (Isaiah 65:1) They Know Me Not (Jeremiah 4:22); Faces Like Rock (Jeremiah 5:3) Acknowledge Your Guilt (Jeremiah 3:13)Judgement on Unrepentant (Jeremiah 2:35); Stiff-Necked People (Exodus 33:3 & 32:9, Proverbs 29:1, 2 Chronicles 30:8) Face of Jesus Christ (2 Corinthians 4:6); Steadfast Love & Faithfulness (Lamentation 3:22-23, Psalms 26:3, 117:1-2, 86:15); Jesus Only Way to God (John 14:6); Simply Believe in Jesus (John 6:28-29, 6:35, 6:40; 6:47); New Heart & New Spirit (Ezekiel 11:19 & 36:26, Jeremiah 31:33); Clean Heart & Right Spirit (Psalm 51:10); Renewal of Mind (Romans 12:2); Sin, Iniquity, Transgression (Psalm 51:1-4); All Sinned & Fallen Short (Romans 3:23); Sacrifice of Gd a Broken Spirit (Psalm 51:16-17); Satan Exalts Himself (Isaiah 14:12-14); The Fall of Adam & Eve (Genesis 3).

Other Books:

The Pursuit of God - A.W Tozer

The Sign of Jonas - Thomas Merton

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About the Podcast

Abide In Me
The A.I.M of this podcast is to teach people about who God is and how we can have a relationship with Him.
The A.I.M of this podcast is to help people form an intimate relationship with God and to answer the big life questions:
- What was our origin?
- Where can we find meaning and purpose?
- How do we discern between good and evil, fact and fiction?
- What is our ultimate destination?

Many today are seeking these answers but not finding them. This is often because they are looking in the wrong places. All the guidance, wisdom, provision, love, forgiveness, hope and peace we seek can be found when we abide in our Creator. Before we can abide in Him, we need to know Him and also what He expects from us.

"Abide in Me" was the message Jesus gave to His disciples before He left them. He knew that they would need to be close to Him, by abiding in His Word, if they were to be transformed and in turn transform the world. (John 15)

I hope these podcasts open you up to learning about who Jesus was, what he taught and why we should abide in him.

All the Bible verses I reference each week are listed in the podcast notes to help you discover the beauty and wisdom of the scriptures.

Please listen, share and subscribe.

You can view additional content on our You Tube channel:
Abide In Me (A.I.M) Radio - Linked in the podcast notes